Friday, April 22, 2011

Before You Click the 'X'....

Oh no, you're thinking.  Not this guy again. Not another lame blog about Nicaragua.

Wait, don't go! This isn't about Nicaragua! 

Yeah, right. Your columns are always about Nicaragua. And nursing. Neither of which interest me.

No, I promise! This blog isn't about Nicaragua! Or nursing!

I don't believe you. 

C'mon! I just thought I would write a regular 'ole column about...

About what? Nicaragua?

No! I'm telling you, this column is not going to be about Nicaragua at all. It's going to be about my other life experiences. 

Lee, you don't have any other life experiences. That thing in Nicaragua was pretty much it. have a point.

So why are you wasting my time? 

Because there's other stuff that I want to write about too, ya know. 

Like what? 

Well, like humorous events I witness. Common day perplexities. Everyday ironies. Rainy day sentiments. Ya know, stuff like that.

Sounds even lamer than Nicaragua. 

I bet you're still going to read it. 

I bet not. 

Oh, I think you will. Even for the sake of having something to tease me about next time we see each other. 

Well, that is true. I will probably tease you. 

That's cool. But I'm sure you'll find something here to make you smile at least once. That's the goal anyway.

To make me smile? 

Sure, why not? There's not enough reading worth smiling about these days.  Maybe this will change that.

A valid point. 

So I rest my case. 

Okay, can have my attention, I suppose. For now. 


How often am I going to have to read this thing?

Probably every couple weeks. Can you manage that? 

I suppose I can. Can you at least switch that lame title? Folklore? C'mon, dude. That's bad.

Hey! I like Folklore.The name stays.



So what's your first column going to be about?

Well, there was this one time....

Don't say it.

....when I was in Nicaragua....


(Tune in again next week. Bring the coffee. And a better attitude.)